
Pancevo News in English December 24th

Pancevo/Source: Radio Pancevo

Increase of Local Taxes in 2011

Local administrative taxes, communal taxes, taxes for the use of construction land, storage and garage space will be increased by 5.8 percent. The members of Town Parliament will discuss the increase at the next session of the 29th Town Assembly, said Enis Agović - Hoti from Secretariat for housing and communal services. The increase of taxes will be effective from January 1st, 2011.


Christmas Eve According the Gregorian Calendar

Catholic believers, who celebrate Christmas according the Gregorian calendar are also celebrating Christmas eve tonight. With the wishes of happy Christmas to everyone and many blessings and success in the new year, Archbishop Stanislav Hocevar congratulated Christmas to those who celebrate it according to the Julian calendar as well. Orthodox believers celebrate the first day of Christmas on January 7th. Belgrade Archbishop will give service for the Christmas Eve, with the Mass at the Cathedral of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary in Belgrade, and will serve the Christmas Mass at the Church of Christ. On Christmas Eve and Christmas, Catholic believers traditionally come to pay tribute to the cradle of Christ in all temples.


Suicide in Pancevo Hospital

Thirty four year old DK jumped from the third floor of Pancevo Hospital yesterday at 19.00 and died immediately. The patient was hospitalised in Surgery Ward, but has jumped from the window which is located in the Urology Ward of the hospital. He died immediately from the acquired injuries. At a time when the DK has opened a window and jumped out there was no one in the hallway. Still, everyone heard a strong bang. The unfortunate man was taken to the reception, where reanimation was attempted, though unsuccessfully, " stated Hospital Director Doctor Milan Milic.


Pancevo Weather Forecast: Warm and Windy

In Pancevo and the rest of the country cloudy with sunny periods, warm and windy. Highest daily temperature will be about 17 degrees. Storms are expected during the night. Cloudy with rain and snow on Friday and Saturday. Snow at the beginning of next week as well. Warmer weather from Wednesday.