
Pancevo News in English April 4th

Petition for Financial and Political Decentralization of Serbia

Party United Regions of Serbia started the petition in Pancevo today for financial and political decentralization of Serbia. The petition could be signed during next week. The goal is to amend the laws so that the majority of tax money go to local self- governments and to enable citizens to vote directly for Mayors and municipality presidents.


Bozic I sinovi Enterprise Receives Award for Socially Responsible Action in 2010

The National Award from Serbian Chamber of Commerce for Socially Responsible Business for 2010 in the category of small and medium sized enterprises went to enterprise from Pancevo Bozic I sinovi. They are awarded for their project for recycling. More than 1000 students from 34 primary schools in Serbia participated in the project. Their task was to present ecology and recycling through drawings, stories, animations, poems and photography.


12 Years since Death of Three Workers in Oil Refinery Plant

On this day 12 years ago, three workers from Oil refinery were killed in NATO air- raids. Their colleagues gathered early this morning in the factory to pay them tribute. They lost their lives during the first air raids of Oil Refinery in early morning on April 4th.


Removal of Bulky Waste Begins

The action of removal of bulky waste starts today. Workers of PE Hygiene will remove old furniture, packaging, car parts, wires, garden waste and all other kind of bulky waste, except building materials. The action lasts until April 29th.