
Pancevo News in Engliah March 31st

45 Minute Classes in Pancevo Schools Tomorrow

Classes in primary and secondary schools in Pancevo will normalize tomorrow. The decision was adopted by Union of Teachers and Professors in Pancevo, which have decided to temporarily end the strike until April 20th, stated President of Association of Teachers and Professors of Pancevo. The managing committee of the Association has reached a decision to generally adopt the agreement between Serbian government and the unions. The next meeting is scheduled for April 20th and the decision will be made about continuing of strike.

Bozic I sinovi Enterprise among Finalists

Serbian Chamber of Commerce will give National Awards for Social Bussinesses for 2010 in the category of small and medium sized enterprises and big companies. Among the finalists in the category of small and medium sized enterprises is Bozic i sinovi enterprise from Pancevo.


Costs of Electricity Higher for 15 Percent

Electricity in Serbia will be higher for 15.1 percent, so future bills should be 6.54 Srbian dinars per kilowatt hours including taxes. Serbian Electricity included discount of 11.89 percent for households spending up to 350 kilowatt hours. The right, which increases the rational spending of electricity, will have about 1.5 million households in Serbia.


Action for Removing Waste Starts on Monday

Public enterprise Hygiene should starts its regular action on Monday April 4th. The action April- Month of Cleaning and Improving Pancevo is aimed toward removing bulky waste and should last until the end of April.